The Serious Games Hub is the result of a university collaboration. Our games are intended for seniors and a multi-generational audience with potential social, cognitive and educational benefits. Several studies have shown that gaming helps to maintain good cognitive health. By providing quality content in the form of a quiz to acquire and mobilize knowledge, our games encourage lifelong learning on a multitude of topics, both utilitarian and general knowledge.
The Serious Games Hub not only allows you to learn by playing, but also to learn by creating your own quizzes. Quizzes can be serious or fun, with pictures, for your family, your students or everyone! Do you want to go further in customizing your quizzes? This is possible thanks to the paid options that will make your quiz game unique and attractive.
“Creation creates creation.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Playing a serious game is learning while having fun. The Serious Game Hub is based on the latest research in gaming in order to make learning enjoyable. Play alone, against artificial intelligence, or with friends, whether they are next to you or thousands of miles away. Challenge yourself and see who’s better! Gaming is serious!
“All games, even the simplest ones, contain ancient wisdom.”
-Bernard Weber
Thanks to the Serious Games Hub, there is no limit to what you can learn while having fun and progressing. Every week, new quizzes are offered. Excel by surpassing your personal records and those of other participants. Would you like to learn more about a subject that is not available? Ask us, so that everyone can enjoy it!
“To be fond of learning is to be near to knowledge.”

The Serious Games Hub aims to enable the general public, teachers and educators from the educational community, businesses and community or non-profit organizations to create quizzes. These quizzes become available in framework games such as SolitaireQuiz and TicTacQuiz that are accessible on App Store and Google Play. More specifically, the Serious Games Hub aims:
- to set up new tools (framework games) to transmit information and knowledge;
- to empower teachers at all levels and educators with motivating, effective learning resources adapted to their teaching or training needs;
- to create a directory of quizzes accessible to the general public as well as to learners and to any teacher and educators who wants to diversify the teaching methods in the classroom or at a distance.

Contact us
Édifice Fleurie
480 Rue Fleurie
Québec, QC
G1K 0B6
1 800 463-4728 poste 5110

Société pour l’apprentissage à vie (SAVIE), a public research centre and non-profit organization, was created in 1994 out of a concern expressed by various stakeholders in the education sector and the information technology cluster to foster the creation of a culture of lifelong learning.